____ Are Common Building Blocks That Can Be Recycled and Used Again Within Your Email Messages.


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Unless yous're the top assistant in your business, in that location volition be numerous occasions every week when yous need to email your boss. Whether information technology's giving them updates, sharing information, request for time off, getting answers, or (gulp!) albeit to a mistake, hither are the electronic mail templates you lot need.

We covered the general principles of emailing your boss in a couple of previous articles:

How to email your boss and build a better working relationship.

How to email your dominate and ask for time off.

We recommend y'all read those articles first so you've got some useful context for these templates and when you might choose to use each one. We worked with our good friends over at Recruiterbox to put these together, since they know a thing or two about helping people piece of work together effectively. If you lot need some effective business guides that are dead uncomplicated to implement, look no farther.

Email Templates You Will Find Here

These are the topics these email templates are going to embrace.

Confirming y'all've completed a chore.

Sharing information on a regular basis.

Requesting an extension.

Admitting to an error or mistake.

Request for information and answers to questions.

Thanking your dominate.

Asking for time off.

Full general Guidance for Writing to Your Boss

The style and tone you use will depend on your relationship with your boss, whether it's professional and formal, informal and chatty, or somewhere in betwixt.

Choose the style and tone that volition "land" all-time with your boss, bearing in mind the blazon of electronic mail yous are going to write.

Continue subject lines short and curtailed and include the well-nigh important information in that location.

Get directly to the point, avert waffling.

Use brusque paragraphs and ensure you only comprehend ane or ii points in each paragraph.

Employ bulleted or numbered lists if it makes sense.

Sign off with a "thanks" or "best."

E-mail Template for Confirming You Accept Completed a Task

Purpose — to let your dominate know you've completed a i-off or routine task that they need to know about.

Subject line — Task Completed — [chore title and brusk description]

"[Proper noun of boss],

The chore you assigned to me [task title] [job clarification] was completed on [date].

[Include here any further information your boss would detect useful such as issues, next deportment, timescales, or dependencies.]

Please let me know if you take any questions or would similar further information, otherwise, no response is needed.


[Your name]"

Email Template for Sharing Information

Purpose — to let your boss have access to certain information and insights.

Subject field line — FYI — [blazon of information y'all're sharing] [whatsoever activeness needed] [unique identifier like date or number]

"[Proper noun of dominate],

I'yard sharing the following data with you lot. [link to information, paste into the email if short, or attach it].

This information shows [provide a brief description providing a curt overview and two or three key points].

After you have reviewed this information, please tin y'all [listing any actions your boss needs to take or questions y'all have].

Delight permit me know if you have any questions or would like further information, otherwise, no response is needed.


[Your name]"

Electronic mail Template for Requesting an Extension

Purpose — to request more time to complete a item task or project.

Subject line — Request for extension [task or project] to [new deadline engagement]

"[Name of boss],

I need to request an extension for [name of task or project] [project description].

I would like to suggest a new borderline of [new borderline date] and am confident the work will be completed past that time.

I need to request an extension because [list reasons for extension, eastward.g. other priorities, changing scope etc.]

I accept already taken the following actions to motion this chore forrad. [list actions].

Please let me know if you agree to this extension or if you take whatsoever questions.


[Your name]"

Electronic mail Template for Admitting to an Error or Mistake

Purpose — to admit to an mistake or fault you have made.

Subject line — Issues with [expanse], actions being taken to resolve.

"[Name of boss],

Unfortunately, I have non been able to complete [name of task], [description of task] to the [time, quality, speed etc.] agreed.

The reasons for this are [list reasons]. I accept taken steps to fix this upshot and terminate it happening again, including [list steps you are taking].

I expect the task to now exist completed by [engagement].

I apologize for non being able to complete this task every bit expected and will make sure I avoid issues like this in future.

Please permit me know if you have whatsoever questions or demand further data.


[Your name]"

Email Template for Asking for Information

Purpose — requesting data and answers from your boss

Subject line — Information needed [surface area and curt description of information]

"[Proper noun of boss],

I need y'all to send me information on [be specific about the information you need]. In detail, I am interested in [list any central areas where you lot need particular info].

I take the following questions [list key questions] and accept already used the following resources to endeavor and answer them [list resources].

Delight send me the data and let me know if you tin answer these questions.


[Your Proper name]."

Email Template for Thanking Your Boss

Purpose — to give thanks your boss for something they have done

Subject line — Thanks for [list area y'all are grateful for]

"[Name of boss],

Cheers for your assistance with [area]. Your assistance with [specific deportment they took] meant [yous learned something, were able to consummate work more effectively, or other benefits].

I capeesh you using your time and expertise to help me and let me [develop my skills, complete the task, etc.]

Thank you,

[Your Proper noun]"

Email Template for Requesting Time Off

Purpose — to inquire for time off

Subject line — Request for time off [engagement from and to] inclusive

"[Name of dominate]

I would similar to have time off between [first engagement and cease appointment].

I have already spoken with [names of colleagues] to ensure that my time off won't disharmonism with anyone else's. In my absence [colleague name] volition exist acting as my deputy and covering my work. I have fully briefed and trained them.

I volition also go alee on my work before I become and wait to complete the following prior to my time off. [list expected status of cardinal projects, tasks, or work].

I volition ensure that my entire workload is handled properly in my absenteeism.


[Your proper noun]"

And there yous accept it, seven super-helpful templates for emailing your boss like a pro! Remember, for more helpful information on business concern guides, recruitment, and building better business relationships, hop beyond to Recruiterbox.


Source: https://blog.sanebox.com/2017/09/06/perfect-email-templates-for-communicating-with-your-boss/

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